Thursday, September 15, 2011

Information for everyone to know!

Hey Residents,

I have some updates that everyone needs to know about so that you don't get fined.

1)  Balconies:  Make sure that you do not have ANY housing furniture on your balconies.  This means no bar stools, or those plastic desk chairs out there.  Also NOTHING can be hanging from the support beams on the balcony.  This includes hammocks (you can have the ones with their own stands with them), bird feeders, flags, greek letters etc.  I walked around the building today and there was a lot of stuff on the balconies that should not be there.  So please make sure that you take the furniture back into your apartment and take down everything that is hanging from the support beams.

2) Roommate Contracts: Tonight or tomorrow I will be walking around handing out the roommate contracts.  Please take sometime to meet as an apartment to complete this contract, because it will help later if there is an issue.  Please keep the white copy and return the yellow copy to my apartment (103) by next THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22nd at MIDNIGHT.  Let me know if you have questions abou this process.

3)  Don't forget that we have the NV Block Party tomorrow night from 6PM-8PM on G-Field.  We will have free food and some great music and games!  Come out and bring your friends and have some fun!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me!


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