Friday, September 30, 2011

Power Outage and Fire Safety Inspections

Hey Residents,

This weekend there will be a power outage on Sunday from 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM.  The food thats in your refrigerator will be fine as long as you do not open it for long periods of time.  The DH will be open on Sunday for normal hours.

Also, Fire Safety inspections are going to be on Monday afternoon.  Me and my partner will be starting around 2:30 or 3 on Monday, and we have both buildings to do.  So not exactly sure what time we will be getting to D.  If you want to schedule a time for us to come through let me know but we will be there between 3 and 5.

Thanks and let me know if anyone needs anything.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Roommate Contracts and Hot Water

Hey Residents,

I recently went around and gave everyone a roommate contract.  Please take some time to fill that out with your entire apartment.  This will help prevent some problems that may arise in the future as you all live together.  They are due to me THURSDAY NIGHT by Midnight.  Please just knock on my door, and if I am not here just leave them in the apartment or on the gripper strip outside my door.

There is also an issue with the hot water in the building.  I have already contacted someone to alert them to the situation and filled out a maintenance request.  I am sorry about the inconvenience and hopefully it will get fixed ASAP.

Thank you to everyone that alerted me to the issue and let me know if there are other problems that come up.



Thursday, September 15, 2011

Information for everyone to know!

Hey Residents,

I have some updates that everyone needs to know about so that you don't get fined.

1)  Balconies:  Make sure that you do not have ANY housing furniture on your balconies.  This means no bar stools, or those plastic desk chairs out there.  Also NOTHING can be hanging from the support beams on the balcony.  This includes hammocks (you can have the ones with their own stands with them), bird feeders, flags, greek letters etc.  I walked around the building today and there was a lot of stuff on the balconies that should not be there.  So please make sure that you take the furniture back into your apartment and take down everything that is hanging from the support beams.

2) Roommate Contracts: Tonight or tomorrow I will be walking around handing out the roommate contracts.  Please take sometime to meet as an apartment to complete this contract, because it will help later if there is an issue.  Please keep the white copy and return the yellow copy to my apartment (103) by next THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22nd at MIDNIGHT.  Let me know if you have questions abou this process.

3)  Don't forget that we have the NV Block Party tomorrow night from 6PM-8PM on G-Field.  We will have free food and some great music and games!  Come out and bring your friends and have some fun!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me!


Monday, September 5, 2011

Drop ins, this week!!!

Hey Residents,

There are a couple of drop ins this week.  The first is tomorrow night (Tuesday) from 7pm-9pm in my apartment (103) and there is free pizza.  I will have some information that everyone needs to have.  This is also a great time for you to meet me and ask questions about policies and living in North Village.

The other is this Friday from 2pm-3pm in NV J 200H.  Edward J. Young, Assistant Director of North Village and Greek Life will be there to answer any questions that you may have.

Passive Programming September: Intellectual Growth

Hey Residents,

September's passive programming is Intellectual Growth.  I know that most people know how to study, but here are some helpful tips to enhance your study habits.  Also, there are a lot of services on campus that can help you in case you need it in a class.  The department of Academic Assistance, in the basement of the library, is there to get you tutors to help you in your classes.  The tutoring program is free.  Go to this link and you will be able to email them for the tutoring services.

Here are the helpful tips:

Sunday, September 4, 2011



September 16th from 6pm-8pm on "G Field" (the open field surrounded by G, H and I)